Canadian Orienteering Federation
RouteGadget overview

The COF has created a RouteGadget website that allows you to view courses and maps from events around the country. It also allows orienteers to draw their routes and to replay races. We hope that event organizers will upload their event’s maps, courses, and results to this database and that orienteers will enjoy the interesting and very fun website.

For further information:

    General instructions:     How to view events and draw your route
    For event organizers:     How to upload events to RouteGadget 


RouteGadget software is created and maintained by Jarkko Ryyppo of Finland, who provides the software at no charge (visit Jarkko's website). Individual clubs or associations are free to use this software to setup their own databases to store their own races and courses. Dave Graupner (Manitoba) and Adrian Zissos (Calgary) created this national RouteGadget database for use by all Canadian clubs. It is currently maintained by Erik Blake who can be contacted at it 'at'